Mininet Python API Reference Manual
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CCleanupWrapper for cleanup()
 CCLISimple command-line interface to talk to nodes
 CIntfBasic interface object that can configure itself
 CLinkA basic link is just a veth pair
 COVSIntfPatch interface on an OVSSwitch
 COVSLinkLink that makes patch links between OVSSwitches
 CTCIntfInterface customized by tc (traffic control) utility Allows specification of bandwidth limits (various methods) as well as delay, loss and max queue length
 CTCLinkLink with TC interfaces
 CTCULinkTCLink with default settings optimized for UserSwitch (txo=rxo=0/False)
 CMininetLoggerMininet-specific logger Enable each mininet .py file to with one
 CSingletonSingleton pattern from Wikipedia See
 CStreamHandlerNoNewlineStreamHandler that doesn't print newlines by default
 CMininetNetwork emulation with hosts spawned in network namespaces
 CMininetWithControlNetControl network
 CControllerA Controller is a Node that is running (or has execed?) an OpenFlow controller
 CCPULimitedHostCPU limited host
 CHostA host is simply a Node
 CIVSSwitchIndigo Virtual Switch
 CNodeA virtual network node is simply a shell in a network namespace
 CNOXController to run a NOX application
 COVSBridgeOVSBridge is an OVSSwitch in standalone/bridge mode
 COVSControllerOpen vSwitch controller
 COVSSwitchOpen vSwitch switch
 CRemoteControllerController running outside of Mininet's control
 CRyuRyu OpenFlow Controller
 CSwitchA Switch is a Node that is running (or has execed?) an OpenFlow switch
 CUserSwitchUser-space switch
 CLinuxBridgeLinux Bridge (with optional spanning tree)
 CNATNAT: Provides connectivity to external network
 CLinearTopoLinear topology of k switches, with n hosts per switch
 CMinimalTopoMinimal topology with two hosts and one switch
 CMultiGraphUtility class to track nodes and edges - replaces networkx.MultiGraph
 CSingleSwitchReversedTopoSingle switch connected to k hosts, with reversed ports
 CSingleSwitchTopoSingle switch connected to k hosts
 CTopoData center network representation for structured multi-trees
 CTorusTopo2-D Torus topology
 CTreeTopoTopology for a tree network with a given depth and fanout
 CNullCodecNull codec for Python 2
 CPexpectCustom pexpect that is compatible with str